Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

Keanu Reeves biography - free movies

Keanu Reeves biography - free movies. Keanu Reeves, who is not familiar with this one actor, he was already famous Hollywood actor and long in the movies world. Ranging from action movies until comedies. Keanu Reeves was born in Lebanon on 02 September 1964. Keanu Reeves is more known by the world as an action movies actors, he's very agile martial ranging from action fighting to action shooting. In the movie The Matrix he is very cool in the play action is riveting and makes the audience captivated. In addition to the movie Keanu Reeves also appeared at the theater and act successfully. Keanu Reeves in 2005 was awarded star on the “Hollywood walk of fame”. And in 2006 he received the” American Top Ten favorite star”. Keanu Reeves began career in 1980, he played in theaters in the story of Romeo and Juliete in Lea Posluns theater. And he played his first action movie in the movie Young Blood. In 1990 he played the titled action movies Point Break, and in 1992 he received an award from MTV's "Most Desirable Male". Her career soared after play action movies "Speed". Although Keanu Reeves was a star but he did not feel proud and embarrassed to accept supporting roles in movies such as Experimental. Every year she always exist to play the movie until now and her career exploded after play action and sci-fi movie "The Matrix"

Name Keanu Charles Reeves
Born Beirut, Lebanon September 2, 1964
Nationality Canadian
Occupation Actor
Years Active 1985-Present